
Posts Tagged ‘7th District’

King Family Member Endorses Orentlicher

 On Wednesday, a day after Democrat Andre Carson won the special election to finish his late grandmother Julia Carson’s term in the United States Congress, challenger David Orenticher is kicking off his campaign.  The state representative from Indianapolis wants to defeat Carson in the May primaries, to run for the next congressional term, which begins in 2009.  Wednesday Orentlicher was joined by Derek King, the nephew of Martin Luther King, Junior, a religion professor at Indianapolis’ Martin University.  King explained why he’s throwing his support behind Orentlicher instead of the other high-profile candidates.

In addition to Andre Carson, another of the high-profile candidates is challenger Carolene Mays.  She’s a state representative and publisher of the Indianapolis Recorder, a one hundred thirteen year old newspaper covering predominately African American issues.

Special Election to be Held Tuesday

Voters in Indianapolis are preparing to cast their ballots tomorrow in a special election to fill the 7th congressional district seat left by the late Julia Carson, who died last December.  Indiana Public Broadcasting’s Marianne Holland reports.

State Parties Meet to Nominate Carson Replacement

This weekend the state political parties will hold caucuses to select their candidates to run in a special election to replace the late United States Congresswoman Julia Carson from Indianapolis.  Indiana Public Broadcasting, Marianne Holland reports.